Queen Hannah Art Gallery, from now on QH, maintains this website with the aim of facilitating access to up-to-date and accurate corporate and non-corporate information. We will try to correct the errors that are indicated to us as quickly as possible. However, QH can not guarantee the absence of errors or that the content of the information is permanently updated.
In accordance with the provisions of Spanish Laws 15/1999 (Protection of Personal Data) and 34/2002 (Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce), the following is informed:
Ownership of the webpage
Domain: http://www.qh-artgallery.com
Owner: Jordi Planas Guitart
Phone: +34 678 29 23 56
E-mail: info@qh-artgallery.com
V.A.T. Id: 39356026-J
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This web portal contains photographs, some of which are not owned by QH, although it has a certain right of reproduction. In these cases, the licenses and authorizations of each one of them must be respected, as specified. The total and / or partial reproduction of textual or visual content (images and photographs) without prior consent is not allowed.
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Some pages on this site contain references or links to websites of other organizations. The presence of these links has an informative purpose, not constituting in any case an invitation to the hiring of products or services that are offered in the web page of destination. QH is not responsible for the accuracy or update of these external sites.
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