The reality of the Great Goddess

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21 de December de 2017

The reality of the Great Goddess

At the same time that our specie was born in the Paleolithic, a religious worship was born towards a feminine, relational entity, at the beginning, with Mother Nature and with Mother Earth.

The cult of this great Goddess, which spread throughout the whole planet while the modern man colonized it, was closely related to magical beliefs and centered primarily on the most basic parameters of human existence as fertility, that given in the animal of hunting ensured success in huntings and therefore the subsistence, and given in the own familiar tribe it assured the perpetuation of the species.

These parameters were expanding at the same time as man evolved and created new developmental expectations, expanding the cult to new attributions related to agriculture, the most admired animals, trees, rocks and important geological formations, the Meteorological phenomena and especially the stars and their study.

Over time, worship evolved into more sophisticated forms, where spiritual factors would be involved on animals, objects and above all on human beings themselves. These factors would become an almost unthinkable sophistication for modern societies of today, to the point of developing religious magical formulas related to the separation of the spiritual soul from the physical body itself.

Thus, the most important civilizations of antiquity developed their own formulas and systems, many times in a mystical and secret way, to achieve their purpose: the resolution of physical problems in life and the salvation of the soul for resurrection after death.

New religious currents like Christianity took advantage of these beliefs to consolidate themselves by adapting these ancient cults and placing the cult of the Great Goddess at the top of the altars in the form of the irreplaceable Virgin or Santa Anna, which for the ancient Mesopotamian was Inanna, for the Ariathian hattis, for the Greeks AteANNA (later Athena), for the DIANNA Romans, for the DANNA Celts and the NANNAn Africans.